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29 juli 2007

Goodbye Jeff...

Jeg har fulgt en amerikansk mountainbikers blog i det sidste års tid... først med stor begejstring, men nu er det simpelthen slut!
Efter han har fået sponsor på, er han simpelthen blevet ulidelig at høre på! Tidligere var det sjovt og lærerigt at læse hans løbs- og træningsberetninger, men nu snakker han fand... ikke om andet end sin sponsors produkter og hans løbsbilleder er næsten blevet fuldstændig erstattet med produktblleder fra sponsorstanden!

Så farvel Jeff, vi ses ikke mere...

3 kommentarer:

Jeff Kerkove sagde ...

Did I miss something?

Kanonkuglen sagde ...

Hi Jeff...
Funny how you did find your way to my blog:-)!
I certainly understand why you think you might have missed something, since my blog is in Danish - horrible language!
I have been a frequent and enthusiastic reader following your blog for some time now, but since you have becomed sponsored by Ergon, I think your blog has become a little bit to "Ergonized"... if you know what I mean - no offence off course:-)!
Best wishes

Jeff Kerkove sagde ...

I actually work for Ergon USA. I am in charge of customer service and marketing. Plus, with the job came a spot on the Topeak-Ergon World Cup team. So that is the reason there was a shift in the "feel" of the blog.

Take care!